“Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.”

Your body defines your health. Your mindset defines your wellness. Take care of your body for a better mind and emotional well-being. Eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, and get sufficient rest for a healthy and joyful life.

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Heart attack ( हार्ट अटैक )
Due to stress in today's lifestyle, business, and home, this disease
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Diabetes ( डायबिटीज )
Nowadays diabetes is a common disease. Any person suffering from diabetes. This means
Obesity ( मोटापा )
When the amount of fat in the body increases and it starts getting integrated in the body, this leads
Low Blood pressure ( कम रक्तचाप )
Low blood pressure occurs due to a person not eating or getting older. However, this disease
High Blood pressure ( उच्च रक्तचाप )
High blood pressure is caused by the wear and tear of the heart, lungs and
Constipation ( कब्ज )
After we consume food, it is digested by the digestive system. If there is any kind of

Table of Contents

Having fun and good times with loved ones and friends makes life happier. I wish you all the good health and happiness in life.